Our Solutions

ethernasol separator company specialized in solar and electric mobility projects

ETERNASOL solutions are the result of innovation,

feedback on site operating procedures and monitoring


Actor of the ecological transition

Acting for a sector of the future is good, respecting the planet and its soil is better!

Sensitive to the environment, we propose alternatives that are more respectful of the soil.

All our photovoltaic solutions can be anchored without concrete with non-invasive micropiles.

This avoids removing the flora and fauna of the land and allows the panels to blend better into the landscape.

1. The structure

Our design office can guide you on the material to be used and verify their feasibility.

solution ethernasol material galvanized steel

Galvanized Steel

solution ethernasol material steel aluminium


solution ethernasol aluminium material


ethernasol solution minilite material


A question, a request for a quote, contact us!

Our design office will know how to best define your needs and the feasibility of your project.