The solutions

ethernasol separator company specialized in solar and electric mobility projects

The installation of solar panels allows you to amortize your electricity expenses.

We install on structures of any power ranging from small carports to solar power plants.

photovoltaic illustration

1. The ground power plant

Fast, economical and modular solution that does not require concrete thanks to the use of micropiles. An efficient way to fix the panels without damaging the ground on flat or hilly terrain.

It is an advantageous solution if you wish to invest in a large space in order to produce electricity in total resale, or in small installation for self-consumption.

eternasol photovoltaic solar panel ground anchoring
eternasol photovoltaic solar panel carport shade

2. Carport & Shade

With its elegant architecture, the shade canopy has the advantage of blending into the urban environment.

it is a versatile solution that enhances your parking lot or garage. protects vehicles.

We can add to this solution electric charging stations to make the product's energy cycle complete.

3. Solar on existing roofs

Solarize your existing roofs with our structural diagnostic price and become autonomous in green energy.

Can be installed on flat roofs / steel tanks.

solar panel roofing photovoltaic solution
eternasol solar panel photovoltaic solar panel on building and local craft

4. Buildings & Artisanal premises

For small or large installations, we can create buildings equipped with photovoltaic panels.

Ideal for agricultural sheds or if you want to invest in a commercial space.

A question, a request for
a quote, contact us!

Our design office will know how to best define your needs and the feasibility of your project.